Welcome to MCKONSULT
The MCKONSULT logo is the symbol of excellence in technical vetting of candidates.
While there are some great global recruiters that have developed deep understanding of technical processes in specific industries, many recruiters focusing on country or regional geos have staff that know how to recruit, but have no specific niche technical area in which they are especially well versed.
Technical recruiting at the high value human asset level is a little bit like being a teacher preparing engineering or science students for university entrance exams. Having the teaching skills isn't enough, the teacher also needs to have a deep understanding of the technical subject to successfully teach it.
It's dangerous to 'throw' an ATS at the problem, because jargon obsolescence doesn't establish absence of experience. The latest industry jargon is easily researched online, and in the hands of a skilled prose writer makes for catchy technical journalism masquerading as a CV, but that's not what the client needs. Prematurely 'feeling out' potential referees brings other problems.
MCKONSULT offers technical overview of 'candidates of interest' for recruiters targeting any part of the African Market. Rates are affordable.
NOTE: John Mc Keown neither offers services directly to hiring managers nor is he engaged in front-end candidate sourcing.
Direct to Recruiter Services
MCKONSULT provides Technical Vetting of candidates to establish that Subject Matter Expertise is aligned to the technical awareness and skillset needed for the position they applied for.
Can't ATS fill the MCKONSULT role?
No. Software tools at recruiters disposal only react to jargonistic triggers in the form of acronyms or keywords. They may validate the 'CV' author as a good 'Technical Writer' but they don't explore ability to commission, de-commisssion, crisis manage, or deliver major projects. MCKONSULT does this .
MCKONSULT serves the Professional Recruitment Community and fills gaps where generic recruitment officers lack the hands on experience of a vacancys' technical skills.
MCKONSULT operates at cost to positively dispose key parts of the Recruitment Community to johnmckeown.eu core services.It serves vacancies 'Africa' wide, providing ONLY the Technical Validation component. Assessment is 'engagement' based. Fees commission the work, payable in advance.